Call for Sponsors and Exhibitors
ACM Mile-High Video is a unique event geared towards practitioners in areas related to media compression and streaming. It is a unique mix of the operators, vendors, and researchers and researchers from both industry and academia. Among the attendees are most major North American cable and mobile operators, streaming services, hyperscalers, and major vendors in the video-related areas.
Mile-High Video developed from its humble roots as an MPEG DASH workshop in 2016 into a large multi-day conference with well-regarded speakers from both the industry and the academia. Mile-High Video 2024 had more than than 230 in-person attendees and had more than 20 sponsoring companies.
Please e-mail Alex Giladi ( if you are interested in becoming a sponsor and exhibiting at Mile-High Video 2025, or have any questions regarding sponsorship. Please note that while demos are welcome and preferred, they are not mandatory and branded events are available in lieu of rooms / booths.
Platinum ($50,000)
Dedicated sponsorship of a reception / happy hour;
Eligibility for a special workshop (60-80 people room)
To maintain technical level, subject, topics, and outline are subject to approval by the program chairs;
Dedicated meeting room;
Eligibility for an exhibition table;
Eligibility for a dedicated room on the conference floor;
Logo on the website, print materials, signage, and stage;
$5,000 discount on any additional sponsorship.​
Gold ($15,000)​
Eligibility for an exhibition table;
Eligibility for one of the following:
Special workshop (60-80 people room)
workshop topics are subject to approval by the program chairs in order to maintain proper technical level;
Registration sponsorship
Video Recoding sponsorship
WiFi sponsorship
Dedicated meeting room;
Dedicated lunch sponsorship (while slots last);
Logo on the website, print materials, signage, and stage;
5-min air time during the main session.​​
Bronze Expo ($5,000)
Eligibility for exhibition table/booth;
Acknowledgement in the calls and attendee communications;
Logo on the website, print materials, signage, and stage;
3-min air time during the main session.
Bronze Promo ($5,000)
Single branded break;
Acknowledgement on the signage;
Reservable boardrooms in the building;
Promotion items in the conference bag and/or swag tables;
Acknowledgement in the calls and attendee communications;
Logo on the website, print materials, signage, and stage;
3-min air time during the main session.
Registration sponsorship ($15,000, 1 slot)
All benefits of Gold sponsorship
Logo on registration tables and registration posters;
WiFi sponsorship ($15,000, 1 slot)
All benefits of Gold sponsorship
Logo on WiFi QR codes in rooms and expo areas;
Logo on WiFi cards given to attendees;​
Video Recording sponsorship ($15,000, 1 slot)
All benefits of Gold sponsorship
Logo on videos posted to the conference’s YouTube channel;