Camera-Ready Paper Submissions: Author Guidelines
General Rules
Include all the modifications asked by the reviewers in the camera-ready paper.
Upload the camera-ready paper (abstracts/full-length papers) by the deadline of January 31, 2025 AoE.
Accompany each camera-ready paper with an author registration.
Please note that as a published ACM author, you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM's new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects.
Camera-Ready Paper Preparation
Use the official templates (interim template if you are using Word, otherwise using Overleaf/LaTeX is the best option).
Include keywords, CCS concepts and ACM reference format on the first page.
Do not number the pages and make sure the headings are correct and do not overlap.
Do not adjust the margins. Figures or tables cannot exceed the margins.
Fonts: Do not substitute the fonts used in the templates. Both 9pt and 10pt font sizes are acceptable. Fonts must be embedded in the PDF. The templates use a font set (libertine), which needs to be installed before using the templates. Use Type 1 and TrueType fonts (scalable) only, not Type 3 (bitmapped). Sometimes font problems come from figures, so make sure to check them (one can check the fonts using Adobe Acrobat: Open PDF->File->Properties->Fonts).
ACM rights text and bibliographic strip: Look out for an email from ACM to fill out the rights management form. Check your spam folder first and only then contact the proceedings chairs if you have not received the email from ACM. Before filling out the rights management form, please check paper’s title and author name(s) in HotCRP. Update the information (if necessary) first in HotCRP, and only afterward on the e-right form. The title on the form must match with the one in HotCRP.
Look out for another email from ACM after filling the form. The contact author will be emailed the rights text and bibliographic strip with instructions to place within the paper - on the left bottom of the first page. The same information should also be auto-populated in the HotCRP system.
HotCRP Submission
Finalize the camera-ready upload in the HotCRP system by uploading the:
Final PDF;
Source files (all files including images used to create the final PDF - LaTeX or Word);
ACM keywords and CCS concepts;
Important note: Even though HotCRP marks some of the above information as not mandatory, this information is required.
Page count: 1 page plus an optional page for acknowledgment and references only;
In the header, on the 2nd page, please indicate "MHV'25, February 18-20, 2025, Denver, CO, USA" and the authors names; in case your abstract contains a single page only, please do not add anything into the header.
Full Papers
Page count: Up to six pages plus an optional page for acknowledgment and references only;
In the header, please indicate "MHV'25, February 18-20, 2025, Denver, CO, USA" and the authors names (on even pages) or the title (on odd pages, except the first page).​
If you have questions regarding the preparation of your camera-ready paper, please contact the proceedings chair:​
Farzad Tashtarian (farzad.tashtarian AT